Raw food is medicine
The proven lifestyle program
In this e-book, author and Hippocrates expert, Heike Michaelsen, has compiled extensive knowledge from the proven lifestyle program at the Florida, USA-based Hippocrates Health Institute. In addition to the best and highest quality food, the top Hippocrates recipes are listed as well as the alternative therapy methods used in the raw food resort. Furthermore, the right food combinations are shown, which play a central role in the Hippocrates diet. Numerous experience reports from guests of the health institute show that raw vegan food can have a decisive influence on health and may help to create a completely new attitude towards life. These experiences have been documented at the Hippocrates Institute for over 60 years. Some of the reports have been translated into German in this book. - Doctors' feedback on the book: Dr. medical Olaf Katzler: "I think the book is great!"
E-book retail price: €14.95 incl. VAT (D) – pdf format DIN A 4 – 201 pages
The Hippocrates program
Lifestyle change to an all-round healthy lifestyle
In this video we meet Dr. Meet Brian Clement, head of theHippocrates Health Institutes. We also show a short interview excerpt from Heike Michaelsen.